Jan 6, 2012

Here's To a New Year!

So we've been MIA for the last few months. Life seems to always find a way of getting in the way. But we are back and hope to get lots of new followers!
I don't know about you, but I am very happy to have said good bye to 2011 and hello to 2012. The last year has been a huge mess. One thing after another. So I am happy to say I'm going to start this year off right and focus on someone I never do....ME!
For New Years most people make resolutions. I usually do and then forget about them two weeks later. So this year I decided to do something different. I sat down New Years Day and typed up 100 things that I want to accomplish in 2012. I figure this way I have an entire year to get them down...no pressure. The things on my list vary from things I've always wanted to do, to things that I should do more of. Here are a couple examples.
- Drink more water
- Treat myself to a pedicure
- See my family more
- Take a dancing lesson
It can be anything that you want! That's the beauty of it. Anything can go on your list.
After I typed up 100 things, I printed it and put it on my fridge. This way it's always there for me to see, and that way I can't forget about it. And when you accomplish something you cross it off the list. I don't know about you, but crossing things off a list makes me feel great!
So here's to a new better year! Take 30 minutes and write up your own list of 100 things to do in 2012, then print it out and get started! :) Make 2012 all about you, cause you deserve it!

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